Menstrual Magic

1 on 1 period and menstrual cycles education for more balanced cycles and inner healing.

Is this you?

-You feel completely disconnected from your womb space and period power

-You struggle with period pain, fatigue, irregular periods, hormonal acne, PMS, heavy bleeding etc..

-You struggle with your body image & self-confidence especially in the days before your period

-You struggle to set boundaries and prioritize yourself and your needs

-You are ready to welcome more balance in your life

-You don't know  where to go and what to start with because everything out there is confusing

Imagine If...


You start understanding how your body works and fall in love with it and appreciate it.



You have the tools to understand your body and peak into your hormone health for the rest of your reproductive life.



You start loving the different versions of yourself through each phase of your cycle.



You have healed the societal conditioning of menstrual shame and feel confident in your divine feminine power.

Menstrual Magic

1 on 1 menstrual cycle awareness coaching program

'Menstrual Magic' is a personalized program designed to help women who face menstrual challenges overcome them and lead a balanced life.
This program offers one-on-one support to understand your unique cycle-related challenges, balance your hormones, and live in tune with your body.

Menstrual Magic is a transformative program that empowers women to take control of their menstrual health and achieve a more harmonious and fulfilling life.


🧐 you don't understand what your body is trying to communicate to you
😰 you are unsure about where to begin to address your cycle signs
💩 your cycle signs seriously messes with your quality of life
🩸you struggle with irregular periods, hormonal acne, period pain, heavy bleeding, and/or PMS
🤯 you feel stuck in a body that you don't love, and don't understand and it feels like your body is betraying you
😢 You don't feel connected to your own inner power


🎓 you know how to monitor your own hormone health, and understand your body's unique patterns
😎 you feel confident in your own body and appreciate its wisdom and beauty
💦 you know how to balance your cycles
☯️ you live in tune with your cycle and feel connected to your body 
🌸 you invite rest and balance into your life
🩸 you tune in to your very own period power and menstrual magic

A little bit about myself

Hey there! I’m Nour, Certified Fertility Awareness Educator & Menstrual Cycle Coach. My passion is providing you with the menstrual cycle education you should have received in school, but never did. I want to help you decode the secret language of your body, and support you in having more balanced cycles.
Feeling balance & confidence throughout your cycle is possible!
Let me guide you in discovering your period power, and inviting more harmony, and balance into your life, to become your most empowered self!


Hundreds of customers rely on our services. See what they have to say.



Hello!I just want to let you know that after almost 2 years of patiently waiting for my period, I finally have it again! I just want to say a big THANK YOU because you are one of the people that really helped and guide me during my recovery. Thank you for patiently responding to my unending questions about hormonal imbalance and seed cycling.



“I’m really happy with Nour’s way of communication as with my symptoms I’ve been having lots of memory fog and am very slow at understanding, but she spoke in a way that was very optimistic and gave me hope. Nour is very easy to talk to, very understanding and I had plenty of questions to ask her and she answered them very clearly and coherently. Thank you, Nour.

3 Months Program

WHAT WE COVER IN Menstrual Magic?

-Menstrual cycle awareness: understand the four phases of your cycle and how hormonal changes in your body influence you emotionally, physically, & spiritually
-Cycle tracking: track your cycle and learn your individual menstrual cycle patterns
-Nutrition for happy hormones: nourish yourself to support blood sugar balance and optimal gut & liver health
-Lifestyle & stress: learn to set boundaries & create nourishing self-care habits, sleep and movement practices
-Empowerment & menstrual magic: feel empowered to be your own cycle expert & explore your relationship to your body, your womb and your period
-1x 90min Intake Session + 2 monthly 60min One-to-One Coaching Sessions Online (total of 7  Sessions)
-Weekdays support on Whatsapp
-Additional resources like positive affirmations, cycle journal prompts, cycle tracker, nutrition guides & cheat sheets, as discussed in our sessions together
This 1 on 1 Program is tailored to you. You will receive personalized support your unique cycle needs & goals.

Book your FREE discovery call today

"Investing in your menstrual health is investing in your overall wellbeing and quality of life."