Chart Your Cycles With Confidence

Discover the power of understanding your body with our comprehensive three-month program designed to empower you in fertility awareness and cycle charting. Whether you're monitoring your hormonal health, planning for conception, or exploring natural birth control options, this course is tailored to provide you with deep insights and practical tools to navigate your reproductive wellness with confidence.


Why Choose "Chart Your Cycle with Confidence"?

This program is crafted for those who seek a private and personalized approach to understanding their reproductive health. You’ll receive one-on-one coaching, detailed explanations, and ongoing support, ensuring clarity and confidence in applying the knowledge gained.

Understanding the Sympto-Thermal Method
The Sympto-Thermal Method is a scientifically-backed approach to natural fertility management. It combines observations of primary fertility signs — basal body temperature and cervical mucus — with secondary signs like changes in the cervix and other physical symptoms. By charting these signs, you can identify your fertile window with high accuracy.

How Does It Work?

Cervical Mucus Observation: By examining the changes in cervical mucus throughout your cycle, you can detect the onset of your fertile window. Fertile mucus is typically clear and stretchy, resembling egg whites.
Additional Observations: Other physical changes, such as a softer and slightly open cervix during fertility, can provide further clues about your cycle.

Temperature Tracking: You’ll take your basal body temperature (BBT) every morning before getting out of bed. After ovulation, progesterone causes your body temperature to rise slightly, and tracking this shift helps confirm that ovulation has occurred.

These signs are charted daily to create a comprehensive overview of your menstrual cycle, allowing you to pinpoint fertile days for natural birth control or conception.

Effectiveness for Natural Birth Control

When used correctly and consistently, the Sympto-Thermal Method is highly effective. Studies have shown that it can be over 99% effective in preventing pregnancy — comparable to the effectiveness rates of many conventional contraceptives. However, its success largely depends on proper training, accurate daily tracking, and disciplined adherence to the method's guidelines.

In our "Chart Your Cycle with Confidence" program, you will learn how to apply the Sympto-Thermal Method correctly and confidently, ensuring you can rely on it as an effective form of natural birth control. Through our personalized sessions, we'll guide you through the process of understanding and interpreting the signals your body gives you, allowing you to use the Sympto-Thermal Method with precision and ease.

A little bit about myself

Hey there! I’m Nour, Certified Fertility Awareness Educator & Menstrual Cycle Coach. My passion is providing you with the menstrual cycle and fertility education you should have received in school, but never did. I want to help you decode the secret language of your body, and support you in achieving your fertility goals.

Let me guide you in discovering the power of your cycles, and inviting more harmony, and balance into your life, to become your most empowered self!

How the Program Works

1. Three In-Depth Initial Sessions:

Session 1: Basics of the Menstrual Cycle Understand the phases of the cycle, hormonal changes, and how they impact your overall health.
Session 2: Fertility Biomarkers Learn to recognize and record key fertility indicators such as basal body temperature, cervical mucus, and cervical position.
Session 3: Rules of the Method for Confirming Ovulation Master the techniques to confirm ovulation using the data you’ve collected, ensuring accuracy in your charting.

2. Monthly Follow-Up Meetings:
After the initial sessions, we'll meet at the start of every new cycle (for three cycles) to:

Review and interpret the last cycle’s chart.
Provide tailored guidance based on your progress and findings.
Answer any questions and adjust techniques as needed.
Offer emotional and educational support to ensure you’re confident and informed.

Program Benefits
Personalized Attention: One-on-one sessions ensure that all advice and teachings are tailored to your specific needs and goals.
Empowerment: Gain the knowledge and skills to make informed decisions about your fertility and reproductive health.
Confidence: Feel confident in your ability to chart your cycle accurately and interpret your body’s signals.
Support: Ongoing support throughout the program duration and beyond, providing you with the resources and help you need when you need them.

Who Should Enroll?
"Chart Your Cycle with Confidence" is ideal for:

Individuals or couples planning for pregnancy.
Those looking for a natural and personal approach to birth control.
Anyone interested in gaining a deeper understanding of their hormonal health and menstrual cycle.

Book your free discovery call

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What Our Clients Say


المعلومات كافية ووافية وشرح الكوتش سهل ومفهوم حبيت مهارات الكوتش في التحاور وايجاد الحلول واجابتها على الاسئلة ، سعيدة جدا اني اخذت الكورس معاها، اقدر اقول اني متمكنة من الطريقة واستفدت كثير من الوعي بالخصوبة ومستمره عليه ان شا الله



انا سعيدة جدا باني اشتركت معك ببرنامج وسيلة الوعي الخصوبة. حبيت كيف كل دورة شهرية عندي اميز مدة المرحلة الجريبية و الاصفرية عندي و كيف احدد يوم التبويض بدقة. حبيت شرحك بالبرنامج و حبيت شغفك بتعليم, و اشكر لك لاجاباتك لتساؤلاتي كلها كانت اجابات شافية وواضحة, و ممتنة لك بان علمتيني هذه الاداة الرائعة التي تفيدني في صحتي ووعي عنها اكثر, وباني اقدر استخدمها كوسيلة لتجنب الحمل او الحصول عليه. كانت ثلاث شهور جميلة ومختلفة, وانا ممتنة و شاكرة لك كثيرا نور.



Thank you so much for the 1 on 1 session. It has really helped me to better understand my situation. My previous experiences with many other medical practitioners were endlessly tiring and did not bring any desired result. It was great to at last finding you and your tips really helped me to get on the right track. I will be looking forward to joining your upcoming sessions.

Thanks a lot.



مع دخولي للبرنامج استمتعت برحلة معرفة جسدي و اضافة عادة التدوين لروتيني لم تكن بالصعوبة المتوقعة, لم اندم علي اشتراكي و انصح بهاذا الاستثمار

