Get started with your menstrual cycle and fertility healing journey

Whether you want to live in harmony with your cycle, reduce menstrual cycle symptoms, avoid pregnancy naturally, or connect to your womb's precious energy and magic, I've got you covered.

My story

Hi, my name is Nour.
In 2020, I was diagnosed with PCOS and had to dive head first into natural healing modalities when I was frustrated with the medical care I was receiving from traditional western medical doctors.
Since then I have trained to become a certified Fertility Awareness Educator and menstrual cycle coach with the vision to empower all women to regain more understanding of their bodies, hormones and menstrual cycles, through the power of cycle charting and cyclic living.

I believe we live in a world that teaches us from an early age to feel ashamed of our bodies and menstrual cycles, and see them as more of an annoyance and something disgusting that we should not speak of.
I am here to change all that narrative and actually teach you the basics of your cycles and how to harness the amazing POWER it can have on your life.
When you chart your cycles, live in tune with it, and learn to listen to your body, you can actually heal your body and experience painless periods, and find hormonal balance. You can also laern your body's subtle language of communication to track your fertility and use this information to reach your personal fertility goal, without any dysruptive synthetic hormones. Sounds amazing right?

1 on 1 coaching

I love to work 1 on 1 with my clients and my programs are designed and centered around my client's needs and preferences to ensure ultimate comfort and benefit.

Group Coaching

I offer my group program twice per year for those who thrive on learning in a group setting with amazing women to enhance all of our experience and provide a sense of community and mentorship.


My products all have one intention behind them: enhancing your menstrual cycle experience and self-care, to connect with your wombs and break the taboos and shame surrounding it.


المعلومات كافية ووافية وشرح الكوتش سهل ومفهوم حبيت مهارات الكوتش في التحاور وايجاد الحلول واجابتها على الاسئلة ، سعيدة جدا اني اخذت الكورس معاها، اقدر اقول اني متمكنة من الطريقة واستفدت كثير من الوعي بالخصوبة ومستمره عليه ان شا الله



Thank you so much for the 1 on 1 session. It has really helped me to better understand my situation. My previous experiences with many other medical practitioners were endlessly tiring and did not bring any desired result. It was great to at last finding you and your tips really helped me to get on the right track. I will be looking forward to joining your upcoming sessions.

Thanks a lot.


انا سعيدة جدا باني اشتركت معك ببرنامج وسيلة الوعي الخصوبة. حبيت كيف كل دورة شهرية عندي اميز مدة المرحلة الجريبية و الاصفرية عندي و كيف احدد يوم التبويض بدقة. حبيت شرحك بالبرنامج و حبيت شغفك بتعليم, و اشكر لك لاجاباتك لتساؤلاتي كلها كانت اجابات شافية وواضحة, و ممتنة لك بان علمتيني هذه الاداة الرائعة التي تفيدني في صحتي ووعي عنها اكثر, وباني اقدر استخدمها كوسيلة لتجنب الحمل او الحصول عليه. كانت ثلاث شهور جميلة ومختلفة, وانا ممتنة و شاكرة لك كثيرا نور.


Ready to take your health and cycle awareness to the next level?